DACH CDAO Peer Roundtable
26 November 2020 | 11:00 CET
26 November 2020 | 11:00 CET
Riding the Second Wave of a Data Journey
Connect with a small group of C-level peers for a private, interactive conversation framed around a top priority for data leaders.
Join CDAOs from the leading organizations in your area to discuss:
Focusing on Foundations for AI Readiness
Establishing Measurable Value and Proving ROI
Driving Culture Change to Elevate Data and Analytics Initiatives
Discussion Leaders
Members of the DACH CDAO community will lead the private, virtual discussion.
Chris Lobo
Fresenius Kabi
Global Head of Data and Analytics
Thomas Steinborn
Interim Head of Products
Georges Theys
Global Head of Analytics
Naveen Gupta
Global Head Data Governance & Analytics
26 November 2020
11:00 - 12:00 CET
Riding the Second Wave of a Data Journey
Hosted by Talend
Once you have laid the proper foundation for a data strategy, how do you go about leveraging analytics? In this session, CDOs will explore how they are navigating the second generation of a data journey within their organisations.
Discuss strategies for:
- Harnessing the power of data with AI/ML tools to enable insight-driven decision making
- Overcoming and learning from mistakes along the way
- Monetisation and improving customer experience
Community Programme Manager
For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.