Boston CIO Executive Summit

November 7, 2018 | Ritz-Carlton Boston

November 7, 2018
Ritz-Carlton Boston

Collaborate with your peers

Get together with your peers to tackle top business challenges through peer-driven content and discussions at the Boston CIO Executive Summit.

Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CIOs today:

Investing in your people and the right technologies

Innovating with advanced technologies and new delivery models

Influencing business stakeholders and enterprise outcomes

Boston CIO Governing Body

The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CIOs, for CIOs.

Governing Body Co-Chairs

Paul Brassil

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Vice President, Information Technology

Arthur Harvey

Boston Medical Center

Kathy Kountze

Eversource Energy
Senior Vice President & CIO, Information Technology

Jeff Lamoreaux

Global Partners LP

Chuck LoCurto

Bryant University

Nick Perugini

GE Digital
CIO, Commercial Digital Technology

Dave Rudzinsky

Hologic, Inc.
Corporate VP & CIO

Greg Saltzman

CIRCOR International, Inc.


November 6, 2018

November 7, 2018

6:00pm - 8:30pm  Governing Body Welcome Reception

Improv and the Art of Persuasion

Stevie Ray headshot

Stevie Ray

Executive Director, Author

Stevie Ray's Improv Company

The art of improv is the art of thinking on your feet, and whether at the comedy club or in the board room, these skills are pivotal to success. In addition to making people laugh, Stevie Ray trains executives on how to apply the quick-thinking strategies of improv to the challenges of business. 

Ray reveals improv techniques that:

  • Provide an edge in negotiations
  • Aid in board communication
  • Help executives manage their teams

11:40am - 12:50pm  Keynote

Enabling Secure IT Transformation to the Cloud

Kevin Brown headshot

Kevin Brown


Boston Scientific

Jacques Ouimet headshot

Jacques Ouimet

Vice President, Global Networks


Jay Chaudhry headshot

Jay Chaudhry

CEO, Chairman & Founder

Zscaler, Inc.

Jay Chaudhry, founder and CEO of Zscaler, leads a discussion on how cloud and mobility are forcing organizations to rethink their security and network architectures. Joined by panelists Kevin Brown, Boston Scientific CISO, and Jacques Ouimet, Manulife VP of Global Networks, listen in as they discuss:

  • How adoption of SaaS applications and the migration of internal applications to private clouds are driving security transformation
  • Examples, lessons learned and best practices from Boston Scientific and Manulife’s cloud transformation journey

12:50pm - 1:20pm  Networking Break

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Interactive Session

Digital Transformation – Is It Your Responsibility?

Beth O'Rorke headshot

Beth O'Rorke


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Val Wright headshot

Val Wright

Global Leadership & Innovation Expert, Author of Thoughtfully Ruthless

Thoughtfully Ruthless

Hot topic or dead buzzword? What do CIOs have to do with an organization’s digital journey? In this interactive session, Beth O’Rorke and Val Wright will discuss their experience with digital transformation and how it has affected their careers and organizations. Come prepared to participate in a round table discussion focused on dissecting your involvement in your enterprise’s digital journey.

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Breakout Session

AI Building Blocks – Get Your Data Right First

Gabriele Fariello headshot

Gabriele Fariello

Instructor in ML & AI and Researcher in Neuroinformatics

Harvard University

As the hype around AI expands, the first things left behind are the basics. If you don’t have clean, usable data, AI will likely be a useless investment for your enterprise. Join Gabriele Fariello as he cuts through the ROI myths of AI to focus on driving real value for your organization.

 Fariello touches on why:

  • ML and AI have extraordinary promise, once you cut through the hype
  • Implementation plans need to center around data
  • BI should be a natural step on the way to implementing AI

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Executive Boardroom

Cloud Exploration from the CIO Perch

Don Anderson headshot

Don Anderson


Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Nathan Rogers headshot

Nathan Rogers



Tara Seppa headshot

Tara Seppa

General Manager, New England

Google Cloud

Whether you’re running an aggressive, cloud-first strategy or floating along in the hybrid cloud, each CIO’s cloud journey is a relevant roadmap for peers in pursuit of the configuration sweet spot. This boardroom draws on the collective wisdom of technology leaders at various stages of cloud migration.

Come ready to exchange views about:

  • New business capabilities that cloud has unlocked
  • Challenges enterprises face with different cloud models
  • How to embrace the full value of cloud

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Executive Boardroom

Becoming and Staying Agile

Brad Whitehall headshot

Brad Whitehall


UniFirst Corporation

Pragati Mathur headshot

Pragati Mathur

CIO & Digital Solutions

Staples, Inc.

Cindy Blake headshot

Cindy Blake

Global Sr. Security Evangelist


Agile methodologies are an increasingly attractive way for organizations to accelerate the pace of innovation. Yet transitioning to new modes of work can create friction for existing employees, and success depends on buy-in across the organization.

Join your peers in this round table discussion to consider:

  • How to take agile dev-ops to the next level
  • Challenges to adopting and implementing agile methodologies
  • What are some common misconceptions about agile dev-ops

7:00am - 7:45am  Registration & Breakfast

7:45am - 8:30am  Keynote

The Innovation Trifecta: Creating a Symbiotic Mindset

Val Wright headshot

Val Wright

Global Leadership & Innovation Expert, Author of Thoughtfully Ruthless

Thoughtfully Ruthless

What enables organizations to innovate and grow regardless of size? It is more than just unique technology, market position, or funding. Val Wright has seen how the influence and culture of the executive team drives results throughout the organization.

You will learn how to:

  • Translate and demonstrate business value from your IT strategy
  • Create understanding and belief with your teams, board, and CEO
  • Drive change that impacts profit, revenue, and market share

8:30am - 9:00am  Networking Break

9:00am - 9:50am  Breakout Session

Transcendent CIOs – Facing Digital Head-on

Guy Hadari headshot

Guy Hadari


Shire Pharmaceuticals

Imagine this, if you could rebuild your organization from the ground up today using all of the latest technology, tools, and business processes, where would you start? Guy Hadari believes a holistic approach to digitalization is crucial, and he’ll walk us through how to define a strategy that begins with big picture clarity and leads to digital transcendence.

Join Hadari as he shares:

  • Tactics for getting buy-in for digital transformation across the enterprise
  • Methodologies for overcoming isolated and uninformed opinions
  • Strategies for taking technology out of the digital conversation

9:00am - 9:50am  Breakout Session

Translating Industry 4.0 to Business Operations

Saswati Collam headshot

Saswati Collam

Principal Innovation Evangelist, Corporate Research & Innovation

Tata Consultancy Services

As the fourth industrial revolution gains speed fueled by emerging technology, business operations are lagging behind. Organizations need to embrace Business 4.0 and implement a unified vision for research and innovation.

Join as Saswati Collam unpacks:

  • The current state of innovation which CIOs operate in today
  • A model that focuses on personalization, value creation, risk mitigation
  • A culture of innovation at scale

9:00am - 9:50am  Executive Boardroom

Transforming the Employee Experience through Digital Transformation

Marjorie Boles headshot

Marjorie Boles

Global CIO

Sappi Limited

Greg Saltzman headshot

Greg Saltzman


CIRCOR International, Inc.

Len Couture headshot

Len Couture

Principal Executive Strategist


The internal changes that digital transformation are driving are just as important as the external changes. New technology now provides methods and tools to help empower employees. Let’s make sure we are utilizing them to the best of our ability.

Come prepared to discuss the following questions:

  • How are CIO’s building out their digital transformation agendas?
  • What key processes are being digitized in order to deliver better employee productivity?
  • How are organizations enabling stakeholders to deliver on digital transformation initiatives?

9:00am - 9:50am  Executive Boardroom

Free the Data, Find the Insight

Nick Perugini headshot

Nick Perugini

CIO, Commercial Digital Technology

GE Digital

Jeffrey Cohen headshot

Jeffrey Cohen


The MENTOR Network

Rob Stefanic headshot

Rob Stefanic

VP Global Shared Services and CIO

Sensata Technologies, Inc.

Data is the lifeblood of any organization, and to enable healthy business growth, it must flow freely. CIOs are building the infrastructure that allows the free movement of this critical business intelligence, yet seamlessly linking silos of information across manufacturing, finance, retail and distribution is no small task.

In this boardroom discussion, we will:

  • Discover cross-functional insights
  • Uncover efficiencies, inefficiencies, and opportunities through data analytics strategies
  • Focus on serving the enterprise as a whole

9:50am - 10:20am  Networking Break

10:20am - 11:10am  Breakout Session

The Culture Initiative – Creating One Biogen

Ginger Gregory headshot

Ginger Gregory



What do employees highlight when asked about their work? Does your employment brand shine through? Ginger Gregory believes that culture is the most important piece of the talent story.

Hear insights from Biogen’s culture journey like:

  • Promoting internal and external brands that attract employees
  • Creating a desirable culture by being consistent and relevant
  • Linking arms with colleagues to bolster buy-in and avoid silos

10:20am - 11:10am  Interactive Session

Downtime Is Coming – How Will You Handle It?

David Querusio headshot

David Querusio


Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

Arthur Harvey headshot

Arthur Harvey


Boston Medical Center

When the inevitable happens, what are your first steps to getting your enterprise back online? David Querusio has navigated two infrastructure outages in the recent past and will walk you through his journey to successfully resolve one in less than 28 hours. Then it’s your turn. In this interactive session, David will pose a scenario and it is up to each table to collaborate on a solution. Use this time to ideate with peers and brainstorm new ways to minimize the loss of revenue, reputation and customers when your next outage occurs.

10:20am - 11:10am  Executive Boardroom

The Ins and Outs of Growing Through Acquisitions

Jeff Lamoreaux headshot

Jeff Lamoreaux


Global Partners LP

Dave Rudzinsky headshot

Dave Rudzinsky

Corporate VP & CIO

Hologic, Inc.

IT systems are often an afterthought during the acquisition process, but they are usually the first thing to rise to surface as an issue with the new organization. Different systems, applications, and organizational structures all make integration a difficult process. Executed thoughtfully and successfully, IT integration can unlock a whole new level of potential for a growing enterprise.

Join the conversation around:

  • IT’s leadership when evaluating mergers and acquisitions
  • Thinking through potential challenges and opportunities before they arise
  • Prioritizing systems, deciding which ones to keep and which ones to retire

10:20am - 11:10am  Executive Boardroom

The Business Possibility of Blockchain

Paul Brassil headshot

Paul Brassil

Vice President, Information Technology

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Joel Jacobs headshot

Joel Jacobs


The MITRE Corporation

Jaroslav Kacina headshot

Jaroslav Kacina



Blockchain presents an enormous opportunity for business-focused CIOs, but the depth of awareness around its potential remains fragmented at best – even at the executive level. Moving from hype-cycle concept to practical reality requires a deeper understanding of the technological possibilities, profound business impact, and long-term evolution of blockchain. Would-be disruptors and agile competitors are introducing new business models and ways of thinking, and to keep pace, CIOs need information.

In this interactive session we will:

  • Lean into the technology behind blockchain
  • Sort through the noise to find real value
  • Uncover the impact blockchain is going to have on the entire organization

11:10am - 11:40am  Networking Break

2:10pm - 2:30pm  Networking Break

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Breakout Session

Bold, Brave and Fast Technology Moves

Trish Torizzo headshot

Trish Torizzo


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

CIO leaders are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to driving and delivering IT transformation. Trish Torizzo created a 90-day plan implementing rapid organizational changes within the IT department by creating a vision statement and purpose to motivate her team.

In this session, you will learn about:

  • C-suite buy-in for bold moves
  • Bold, brave, fast, yet graceful transformation
  • Quick wins while transforming

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Breakout Session

Competing for Talent with Tech Giants

Erin DeCesare headshot

Erin DeCesare

VP, Data & Analytics


Attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive market is daunting. If you’re not leading the industry with innovation, creating an innovative work environment may be the key to becoming a winning employer brand. In this keynote, Erin DeCesare calls for a shift in the cultural mindset, a willingness to experiment and a tolerance for making mistakes.

She will cover:

  • Meeting employees’ expectations and enabling self-empowerment
  • Infusing cultural wins into the recruiting and onboarding process
  • Addressing employees who are reluctant to adopt change

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Executive Boardroom

Artificial Intelligence for the Enterprise

Jim Whalen headshot

Jim Whalen

Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer

Boston Properties

Enrique Laso headshot

Enrique Laso

EVP-CIO Information Technology


Imtiaz Iqbal headshot

Imtiaz Iqbal

VP, Information Technology

Smith & Nephew US

Deep neural networks are bringing new capabilities to AI and creating smart systems that can outperform human labor at many tasks. These new systems bring business advantage to successful implementers, but success is not easy to come by.

This session gives an opportunity for you and your peers to discuss:

  • The difference between AI hype and reality
  • Progress and challenges in implementing AI-based initiatives
  • How to achieve real business value through AI

3:20pm - 3:40pm  Networking Break

3:40pm - 4:20pm  Keynote

Finding New Value in Legacy Industries

David Neitz headshot

David Neitz


CDM Smith

Emerging technology is fresh and exciting, but “because it’s new” isn’t an investment strategy or business case. The sweet spot is aligning new technology to new opportunities, creating new revenue streams for your organization.

David will cover how you can:

  • Keep an open mind when it comes to emerging technology – even if your industry is traditionally resistant to change
  • Focus on value-creating activities that impact your business
  • Treat data as the very important asset that it is

4:20pm - 5:00pm  Closing Reception & Prize Drawing

November 6, 2018

November 7, 2018


Venue & Accommodation

Ritz-Carlton Boston

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Omar Bedran

Program Manager
