Boston CIO Executive Summit

November 21, 2019 | Westin Copley Place, Boston

November 21, 2019
Westin Copley Place, Boston

Collaborate with your peers

Get together with your peers to tackle top business challenges through peer-driven content and discussions at the Boston CIO Executive Summit.

Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CIOs today:

Investing in your people and the right technologies

Innovating with advanced technologies and new delivery models

Influencing business stakeholders and enterprise outcomes

Boston CIO Governing Body

The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CIOs, for CIOs.

Governing Body Co-Chairs

Paul Brassil

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Vice President, Information Technology

Arthur Harvey

Boston Medical Center

Katrina Jagroop-Gomes

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
CIO - Gaming Commission

Jeff Lamoreaux

Global Partners LP

Chuck LoCurto

Bryant University

Nick Perugini

GE Digital
CIO, TechCo

Greg Saltzman

CIRCOR International, Inc.


November 20, 2019

November 21, 2019

6:00pm - 8:30pm  Governing Body Welcome Reception

Governing Body Welcome Reception

The Governing Body of Boston CIOs and invited guests are welcome to join us for a fun, casual, interactive spin on the annual Governing Body Dinner. Tonight will feature gourmet food and drinks as we celebrate the start of another “By CIO, For CIO” executive gathering.

11:25am - 11:50am  Networking Break

11:50am - 12:30pm  Lunch & Comments

Lunch & Interactive Discussion

  • Developing IT leaders
    • What are human capital strategies for building and developing the specialized talent required for IT and business innovation?
    • How are IT leaders tackling challenges related to new ways of working and trying to manage multi-generational teams?
    • How do you integrate an overall leadership strategy into the IT side of the business?
  • Leveraging AI
    • How have you deployed AI initiatives; what has worked and what needs improvement? Share lessons learned.
    • How do you measure the return on investment from AI projects?
    • How do you drive employee engagement and overcome barriers to realizing AI’s true potential?
  • Customer-centric Strategies
    • What data management strategies generate the most actionable insights into the digital needs and behaviors of your customers?
    • What have been your most successful tactics for increasing the speed with which your technology organization responds to customer demand and delivers value?
    • What is the role of the CIO in ensuring a seamless customer experience?
  • Executing While Modernizing
    • How are you helping the business to articulate “value” so that effort and energy are spent on the right things?
    • How can you liberate more of your human capital/talent to focus on transformative, value-added work, and less on “keeping the trains running on time?”
    • What can CIOs do to increase the change appetite of their organizations and foster a culture of continual evolution?
  • Improving the Pace of IT
    • What are the greatest “friction” areas in your organization, and what has been successful in reducing that friction?
    • What frameworks or operational models (e.g. agile, DevOps, reorganization) have been most successful in creating more efficient, effective technology organization? 
    • What can CIOs do to ensure that speed is a value of the entire organization, not just the technology org.?

12:30pm - 1:00pm  Keynote

Achieve 100% Analytics Adoption with a New Class of Enterprise Intelligence

Hugh Owen headshot

Hugh Owen

Executive Vice President, Worldwide Education

MicroStrategy, Inc.

Despite having access to a wealth of data, enterprises still struggle to effectively deliver trusted insights to the entire workforce—preventing them from realizing the full value of their data investments. Overcoming this challenge takes pervasive adoption of trusted analytics.

This session will cover:

  • Mastering the next wave of Enterprise Intelligence with zero-click analytics
  • Empowering your workforce to get more from tools they use, every day
  • Using mobile productivity apps to impact every business role and function

1:00pm - 1:20pm  Networking Break

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Breakout Session

Finding Creative Solutions to Complex Problems

Arthur Harvey headshot

Arthur Harvey


Boston Medical Center

What if, every time you had a business problem, you had a room full of CIOs to bounce ideas off of, get advice from and hone solutions with? Welcome to that moment. Bring your trickiest, most troublesome dilemma to the table and get ready for an organic, revelatory experience. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to candidly discuss their biggest challenges, exchange ideas and uncover peer-tested answers in this moderated workshop session. The results promise to be nothing short of powerful.

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Executive Boardroom

Building API Strategy for the Smart Enterprise

Michael Crones headshot

Michael Crones

Chief Information Officer


Brad Whitehall headshot

Brad Whitehall


UniFirst Corporation

Greg Felice headshot

Greg Felice

Customer Success Lead

Apigee, Part of Google Cloud

APIs and API management have become essential to how enterprises deliver applications in and across clouds. They help build and connect modern applications, increase execution times at scale to optimize costs and use analytics and machine learning to make smarter decisions.

This interactive session explores:

  • How to build transformation strategies across the business with APIs in mind
  • How to measure ROI on your API strategy, including tracking early wins and demonstrating value
  • How your API platform aids innovation and shortens your maturity curve for emerging technologies

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CIOs). To reserve your seat, please contact: Sherrard Watson at 971-717-6624 or

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Executive Boardroom

Closing the Gap – DevOps Transformation

Joel Jacobs headshot

Joel Jacobs


The MITRE Corporation

Nathan Rogers headshot

Nathan Rogers



Dan Sarrosick headshot

Dan Sarrosick

Financial Services Customer Success Executive


DevOps increasingly plays an important role in transforming today’s digital landscape and driving business revenue. To quickly deliver new customer-centric services or simply just to fail fast, IT teams are transitioning to DevOps models that close the gap between development and operations while drastically increasing their business relevance.

During this boardroom discussion, we’ll unpack:

  • Defining DevOps and envisioning an outcome
  • Successes in transforming your delivery model
  • Common pitfalls in driving DevOps in organizations

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CIOs). To reserve your seat, please contact: Sherrard Watson at 971-717-6624 or

7:30am - 8:15am  Registration & Breakfast

8:15am - 9:00am  Keynote

How Data and Technology Shape the Future of Meaningful Human Experiences

Kate O'Neill headshot

Kate O'Neill

Tech Humanist

KO Insights

With so much emphasis in business on artificial intelligence, automation of various kinds, and digital transformation, the future of human work — and even humanity itself — can feel uncertain. And while we often talk about user experience, customer experience, patient experience, and so on, we rarely consider what a truly integrated human experience might look and feel like.

But “Tech Humanist” Kate O’Neill presents the case for why the future of humanity is in creating more meaningful, dimensional, and integrated experiences, and how emerging technologies like chatbots, wearables, IoT devices, and more can be included in this kind of human-centric design.

9:00am - 9:20am  Networking Break

9:20am - 10:10am  Breakout Session

The Mandate for Secure Cloud Transformation

Lisa Lorenzin headshot

Lisa Lorenzin

Director of Transformation Strategy


Jorn Velaers headshot

Jorn Velaers

VP, IT Infrastructure & Support Services

American Tower Corporation

The new way of work is remote, mobile-first, and cloud-based. Employees expect instant, secure access to applications, information, and resources. Meanwhile, threats proliferate, VPNs lag, hardware costs rise, and little is truly secure. Hub-and-spoke networks employing castle-and-moat security are no longer tenable, and leaders that cling to legacy architectures put enterprises at risk. Lisa Lorenzin presents Secure Cloud Transformation, a practical cybersecurity approach that prioritizes security and user performance to align with today’s way of working.

In this session, we'll discuss how enterprise IT leaders can:

  • Improve customer digital experience while safeguarding sensitive information
  • Increase user performance while minimizing risk
  • Drive revenue and scalability while controlling costs

9:20am - 10:10am  Breakout Session

A Story of Rapid Integration – Creating a Culture of Growth

Nathan Rogers headshot

Nathan Rogers



When two multi-billion dollar companies merged in a highly regulated industry, Nathan Rogers knew that getting strategic buy-in at the beginning would be critical to a rapid integration. Rogers shares the story of how SAIC led a full business systems integration and created a transformative future roadmap in just six months after closing by focusing on company culture and leading with transparent communication.

In this session, Rogers will share his:

  • Multi-faceted approach to creating a successful culture
  • Success seizing opportunities to shift into a new digital age
  • Roadmap for transforming the business to drive growth, inspire talent and cut costs

9:20am - 10:10am  Executive Boardroom

Building a Roadmap to Guide Your Digital Journey

Michael Shanno headshot

Michael Shanno

Head of Digital and IT, Biologics Quality


Jerry Gomez headshot

Jerry Gomez


The TJX Companies, Inc.

Len Couture headshot

Len Couture

Principal Executive Strategist


Digital Transformation is already a tired buzzword, but CIOs are living it and are looking to hone their strategies and speed up implementation.

Join this interactive roundtable session to discuss:

  • What key components should go into your digital journey blueprint
  • Going beyond IT services to cross-functional workflow automation on a single platform and shared data model
  • What a digital journey maturity model looks like (including velocity, experience and intelligence)

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CIOs). To reserve your seat, please contact: Sherrard Watson at 971-717-6624 or

10:15am - 10:35am  Networking Break

10:35am - 11:25am  Breakout Session

Connecting with the Digital Consumer – A New Balancing Act

Ravi Shankavaram headshot

Ravi Shankavaram

VP of IT (Global)

New Balance Athletics Inc.

Can a multi-billion dollar organization look, feel and act like a 100-year-old start-up? Ask Ravi Shankavaram, Global VP of IT at New Balance Athletics, and the answer is a resounding yes. An entrepreneurial spirit is infectious at this iconic organization, and in the age of the digital consumer, constant innovations to deliver white-glove service have become the norm.

In this session, you'll learn:

  • The expectations of the digital-first customer
  • The CIO’s role in product development and design in a digital economy
  • How to evolve a data-centric approach to consumer insight and foster new business opportunities

10:35am - 11:25am  Breakout Session

The Strategic Approach to Security

Rob Sherman headshot

Rob Sherman

CISO and VP of IT

American Tower Corporation

With speed and agility at the forefront of innovation, how are CISOs partnering with CIOs to help to establish a security strategy that is an enabler of the digital business rather than an obstacle?

Join this session to hear how to:

  • Turn cybersecurity into a strategic business enabler
  • Tactics to engage all stakeholders in digital risk management
  • Upskill your workforce and create a culture of awareness

10:35am - 11:25am  Executive Boardroom

Aligning and Implementing Cloud Strategies to Power Digital Transformation

Pragati Mathur headshot

Pragati Mathur

EVP, CTO, Digital Solutions

Staples, Inc.

Greg Swope headshot

Greg Swope


Five Star Senior Living

Carlos Gil headshot

Carlos Gil

Public Market Leader, IBM Services for Managed Applications


Organizations today have migrated only about 20 percent of their workloads to the cloud. CIOs are charged with aligning mission-critical tasks to the right types of cloud environments and determining how to clear cloud-adoption hurdles, including meeting compliance and resiliency requirements.

This interactive session explores:

  • How to successfully design, implement and manage a multiple-cloud operating environment
  •  How to foster digital transformation and create a competitive advantage through cloud migration
  • How to adopt and accelerate a culture of agile innovation that leverages AI and cloud

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CIOs). To reserve your seat, please contact: Sherrard Watson at 971-717-6624 or

2:10pm - 2:30pm  Networking Break

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Breakout Session

Equipping the Future — Solutions for Boston

William Mayo headshot

William Mayo

Chief Information Officer

Broad Institute

Lauren Jones headshot

Lauren Jones

State Director, Massachusetts


David Delmar Sentíes headshot

David Delmar Sentíes


Resilient Coders

Jim Chilton headshot

Jim Chilton



Boston has a vibrant tech community, but there is a talent problem that needs to be addressed in new and creative ways. Come together with your peers to hear discussion on local solutions to close the talent gap and recruit a more diverse workforce. 

In this breakout, we will:

  • Hear from visionaries in the community who are working to solve the gap already
  • What the future of the workforce looks like and what that means for you
  • Creating meaningful and innovative partnerships to drive business value

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Executive Boardroom

Next–Gen Cloud Security Architectures for the Cloud–First Future

Joel Jacobs headshot

Joel Jacobs


The MITRE Corporation

Paul Martini headshot

Paul Martini



As businesses rely more on cloud apps, they must refocus security from defending perimeters to following users regardless of location. Security executives are being challenged to ensure that enterprise data remains secure in a cloud first world.

In this session you’ll discuss:

  • Advantages of cloud security solutions based on a Cloud 2.0 architecture
  • How you can more seamlessly transition security from appliances
  • Ways to incorporate the cloud into a fully articulated security strategy

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CIOs). To reserve your seat, please contact: Sherrard Watson at 971-717-6624 or

3:20pm - 3:40pm  Networking Break

3:40pm - 4:20pm  Keynote

The New Reality — Make Change Your Competitive Advantage

Karl Schoemer headshot

Karl Schoemer

Founder & CEO


Like a school of fish, an adaptive organization must move rapidly and in unison toward new opportunities. From navigating the uncertainty of today’s tight talent markets to responding to evolving employee expectations, leaders and employees alike must embrace the power of change to make it a part of their individual and organizational competitive advantage.

Karl Schoemer will draw on his 20 years’ experience studying change to share:

  • Insights on how leadership behaviors facilitate change
  • Strategies to help change contribute to culture
  • Tactics for creating change-adaptive individuals

4:20pm - 5:00pm  Closing Reception & Prize Drawing

November 20, 2019

November 21, 2019


Venue & Accommodation

Westin Copley Place, Boston

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Community Program Manager

For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.

Sherrard Watson

Former Program Manager
