UK & Ireland CHRO Peer Roundtable

7 December 2022 | 09:00 GMT

7 December 2022 | 09:00 GMT

Recruitment and Retention Strategies in 2023

Connect with a small group of C-level peers for a private, interactive conversation framed around a top priority for HR leaders.

Join CHROs from the leading organizations in your area to discuss:

Boosting Resiliency Through Change and Innovation

Developing the Next Generation of Leaders for Evolving Ways of Work

Fostering Connected Culture in Hybrid Work Environments

Discussion Leaders

Members of the UK & Ireland CHRO community will lead the private, virtual discussion.

Mike Hawes

Avis Budget Group



Caroline Andrews

IAG Cargo

Chief People Officer

Discussion Leader

Mark Skinner

William Hill

Chief People Officer

Discussion Leader


7 December 2022

09:00 - 10:00  GMT

Recruitment and Retention Strategies in 2023

As we approach a new year, organisations across the globe look towards an uncertain future, underpinned by a milieu of cascading health, economic and geopolitical crises. Against this backdrop, employees continue to seek greater purpose from their roles, calling for their employers to reconsider the organisation's internal policies and value propositions. As the looming spectre of the ‘Great Reshuffle’ persists, it is imperative that HR leaders consider how to effectively cultivate a fulfilling employee experience that can foster a resilient culture.

Join this boardroom to discuss:

  • Effective recruitment strategies in 2023
  • How to improve your retention strategy
  • How to establish a scalable mission statement across your organisation

Community Programme Manager

For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.

Chloe Stevenson

Senior Community Manager

+44 (0)7701 308 236